
Campus Security

The safety of our students, staff, and faculty is of the utmost importance to us. To help ensure our campuses remain safe spaces for all those who visit them, we have policies and procedures in place.


To prevent unauthorized entry onto the campus, employees and students must wear their school identification badges at all times, clearly visible. Additionally, all visitors must register at the front desk before proceeding on campus. Depending on the location, a security guard may be present on campus. Students and employees are encouraged to bring any security concerns directly to the Campus Director or security guard immediately. In the case of an on-campus emergency, students must follow instructions from SAE Institute employees. In the unlikely event of an evacuation, students and employees should follow the evacuation maps found in each room on campus.


In the event of an issue

The SAE Institute Campus Director at your campus can discuss any safety concerns with students or parents. For everyone’s safety, students and employees must report any crime that takes place on campus directly to the Campus Director. The Campus Director or their designee will contact law enforcement as needed to address any criminal activity on campus. Victims and witnesses can report criminal activity on a voluntary, confidential basis directly to the Campus Director. Students who are found guilty of criminal activity on-campus or off-campus during a school-sponsored activity will face disciplinary action from the school up to and including expulsion as well as a response from local law enforcement.



Federal law requires that schools administering federal student loans through Title IV provide accurate campus crime statistics. SAE Institute keeps a record of such campus crime statistics, an updated copy of which can be found below.


Policy and Procedures on Prohibited Sex Discrimination

SAE Institute (“SAE”) is committed to protecting the safety, health, and well-being of its students, employees, and all people who come into contact with the SAE community. In support of this commitment, and as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) and other applicable federal and state laws, SAE has created this policy that prohibits Sex Discrimination and Retaliation for making a good faith report of Sex Discrimination or Retaliation under this policy. 

Policy Documents

SAE Institute Atlanta, Miami and Nashville Sexual Misconduct Policy

SAE Institute New York Sexual Misconduct Policy

SAE Institute Chicago Sexual Misconduct Policy.


NONDiscrimination policy

SAE Institute is a post-secondary educational institution that admits academically qualified students without regard to gender, age, race, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, pregnancy or disability and affords them all rights, privileges, programs, and other opportunities generally available to students at SAE Institute. SAE Institute does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, pregnancy or disability in admissions, employment services, or access to its programs and activities.


Title IX Anonymous Complaint Form

SAE Institute recognizes that under certain circumstances individuals who believe that they have experienced or witnessed Sex Discrimination or Retaliation may wish to make an anonymous report. An individual can make an anonymous report to SAE Institute by completing this form.