
Career Services Resources

For all our future grads and current alumni, we offer several resources to help you with your career.

Graduate Employment Assistance

In a student’s last module/semester, a one-on-one Career Planning Session is scheduled to finalize and launch the job search campaign. During that time, the dedicated Career Services Advisor will:

  • Discuss your career goals, short and long term
  • Review and work together to finalize your resume
  • Discuss the job search strategy and how best to collaborate during the campaign
  • Communicate all related opportunities

Job Search Resources

In addition to utilizing the resources of the local Career Services Advisor on campus, job-seekers can turn to online resources for temporary, part-time, full-time, and freelance opportunities.

Industry & Social Media

Industry Websites & Associations

Social Media

  • LinkedIn is a professional networking and career resource. All should register and build a professional profile.
  • Facebook allows you to attract fans and connect with others. Create a separate page for your company, artistry, or freelance.
  • Instagram also allows you to connect with fans and other artists. Promote your work and attract a following.
  • SoundCloud is a free resource to upload and share your music and collaborations.

Companies Graduates Work For

SAE graduates have been involved with many outstanding production companies, audio/visual service providers, studios, live venues, and radio/broadcasting companies. Many alumni have also been successful entrepreneurs, starting their own studios, labels, and companies. Below is a list of companies that have hired our graduates within the past year.


SAE Audio Students

Are you an employer?

We can help fill your job opportunity with a candidate that is trained and career-ready.